Hartlepool 01429 271651
Peterlee: 0191 518 3393
Middlesbrough: 01642 425040
Hartlepool 01429 271651
Peterlee: 0191 518 3393
Middlesbrough: 01642 425040
Lasting Powers of Attorney

Lasting Powers of Attorney are separate, stand alone, documents to your Will. Your Will takes affect as soon as you die, your Lasting Power of Attorney gives someone the power to deal with your affairs while you are still alive. When you make an appointment with one of our Wills and Probate team we always discuss whether these are appropriate for your family situation as part of our 'future - proofing' strategy.
There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney, one relates to financial decisions and the other your health and care needs. You may feel that you need one but not the other - they are completely separate documents. If you feel that you do need both, you may want to nominate different people to act in different ways - it is entirely up to you. Our experts will guide you every step of the way and make sure that the finished product will be exactly what you need.