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Hartlepool 01429 271651
Peterlee: 0191 518 3393
Middlesbrough: 01642 425040
Hartlepool 01429 271651
Peterlee: 0191 518 3393
Middlesbrough: 01642 425040

Medical Negligence
Britain's NHS care is usually very good, most of the time things go to plan and patients do not have any issues. However, there are occasions when things go wrong.
If you have been injured due to negligent medical treatment, you may be entitled to take legal action and seek compensation for your injuries. You could also take legal action for compensation if you’re the next of kin of someone else. This could be for someone who has died where there was negligence during a medical procedure, or for someone who no longer has capacity, who cannot take legal action for themselves.
Examples of medical negligence include:
If your health care provider did not diagnose your condition or made the wrong diagnosis
Your health care provider made a mistake during a procedure or operation
You received the incorrect drug
Your health care provider did not receive your informed consent prior to treatment
Your health care provider failed to inform you of the risks involved
Compensation claims can be made for any injuries or losses suffered as a direct result of the negligent treatment you received.
This can include:
Compensation for pain and suffering you experience after your treatment
The cost for any ongoing treatment
Compensation if you can no longer carry out certain activities or enjoy your hobbies
Loss of earnings
Ongoing costs relating to extra care or equipment you may need
The cost of altering your home
Compensation for psychological suffering or issues resulting from the treatment.
If you are considering a claim against your medical provider, please call our specialist solicitors on
01429 271651. They will be able to assist you in claiming the compensation you deserve.
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