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Orthopaedic Claims

Injuries and issues with bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and nerves are some of the most common medical complaints in the UK. Orthopaedic injuries usually occur during diagnosis or treatment.

You may be able to claim orthopaedic compensation if you have suffered from mistakes including (but not limited to):


  • Delays or mistakes in diagnosis

  • Problems with surgery or aftercare for knee, elbow, or hip replacement procedures

  • Damage to the nerves during surgery

  • Surgery carried out on the wrong part of the body

  • Surgery carried out without obtaining proper consent


Mistakes with orthopaedic treatment can be devastating both physically and emotionally. You may have lasting complications, require ongoing treatment, or need surgery in the future. If you feel that you have a claim, please call Smith and Graham, our legal experts will guide you through every step of the claims process.

X-Ray Results
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