Hartlepool 01429 271651
Peterlee: 0191 518 3393
Middlesbrough: 01642 425040
Hartlepool 01429 271651
Peterlee: 0191 518 3393
Middlesbrough: 01642 425040
Vaginal Mesh Claims
If you have suffered from complications because of a vaginal mesh implant, then you could be entitled to vaginal mesh compensation for the pain and discomfort that you have suffered.
Some of the complications from vaginal mesh include:
Chronic pain, especially in the abdomen and pelvic areas
Difficulty or inability to walk
Bladder perforation
Bladder infection
Vaginal erosion or scarring
Mesh erosion or protrusion
If you have undergone treatment that included vaginal mesh implants after June 2015, and you were never fully informed of the risks or feel that:
You didn’t receive enough information about the risks of the mesh implant prior to your mesh surgery
You were not made aware that the implant would be permanently in your body
You were not offered a consultation before the procedure, or were not given enough time before the procedure to consider the pros and cons
You were not happy with the standard of surgery that you received
Your complaints were ignored or dismissed by healthcare staff
You have had to have revision surgery to repair the damage caused by your mesh implant
You may be entitled to compensation. Give Smith and Graham a call and our specialist solicitors will arrange an appointment with you to discuss your case.